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Sunday October 20, 2024 | 1:00pm
Rab's Country Lanes Be a part of our commitment to STRIKE OUT Breast Cancer in our Lifetime! Join us on the lanes for an afternoon of fun with friends & family!
The day includes: 2 hours of bowling Pizza & Beverages Cake Raffles Prizes & More Benefitting local breast health projects including Breast Health Navigation Program at S.I. University Hospital and the Making Strides Campaign of the American Cancer Society! Over $741,000 raised in 20 years! $50.00 minimum donation per bowling participant! Ask friends and family to sponsor your participation. Build a team and get in on the fun Don't want to bowl? Come down and join us. Participate in the Raffles and Fun! presented by:
Brian P. Mullen, Attorney at Law
Country Pro Shop Juniors The DeHart Family DeSantis, Kiefer, Shall, & Sarcone, LLP DMAS Insurance Lifestyles for the Disabled Michael D'Angelo, CPA The NASO Organization P.A.C. Plumbing Pin Lounge |
Rab's Family Fun League
Salmon Real Estate Staten Island Bowling Hall of Fame Staten Island Women's 600 Club Team Schwagg's Angels TekieGeek University Basketball Camp Williams Eye Works |
In Loving Memory Steven Barajas
In Loving Memory Angie Laursen In Loving Memory Ana Miranda In Loving Memory Lillian Morrison In Loving Memory Rita Nicholasi |
Survivor Alice Squeri
Survivor Jean Markowski |
Avenel Performing Arts Center
Sandra Brown Canlon's Restaurant Classic Products Country Pro Shop Debbie D'Addio Michelle Dash - Scentsy The DeHart Family |
Dee Graf
Hard Rock Atlantic City Vicky Fischetti Laursen & Philpott Family La Strada Italian Restaurant The Max Challenge New York Mets Gloria Hernandez Mike Nicholasi |
Rab's Country Lanes
St. George Theatre Neil Smith Team Genevieve Team Schwagg's Angels Staten Island FerryHawks Staten Island University Hospital Visage Hair Studio The Wilkinson Family |
Toniann Bentivegna
Debbie D'Addio Christine DeHart Liz DeHart Genevieve DePalo |
Nazareth Labetti
Nazareth Laursen Staci Pepe Sue Petosa |
Lizabeth Philpott
Keri Schweiger Frances Wilkinson Frank Wilkinson |